The new easy to type home of all the crap I write.







Merciful Minerva, many days have passed since I was here last. Who would have thunk that my happiness would lead me to not be on here as much?? Between the technical problems, along with the realization that I am happier now than I have ever been before would force me to be in my lover's arm when I sleep or even whem I lay down, would make me not want to be online but rather be here as it is...whp would have guessed??? Well as an update this aint much but I'll be back soon...until than....this is life. it's what you get, it's not what you want it's just what you get....



Again sore from work. This is starting to become a habit. Will be getting back to that in the near future. But that's not why I'm happy. You want to know something? It's only 8 more months until the 4th of July and we can celebrate freedom by "Blowing shit up while drinking". Oh yeah can you believe it? I know I can't. TV finally belongs to the mindless masses again. There's no election crap on the TV. There's no vote for me jiberish on the radio. I won't be woken in the AM's by some recording telling me to vote. Finally. Peace and quiet. Well I got a few more notes, but I'm getting tired of sitting here so I'll be seeing you all later.



Today nothing new to report only because I was too sore from work to right down my notes for my blog entry for the day so instead, I will sit here and complain about one thing. My cartoon watching has hit a new a low. I'm averaging about 22.5 minutes of cartoon watching. Which does bring me way below the "Average Jose Time Wasting Away in Front of Animation" levels. Well I'll be trying to rectify that real soon, or at least when I'm allowed to...heh heh.



It's true my friends, countryman and cohorts. I'm actually a "hard" working man again. I'll have to let you all know how that goes. But today's little blog is a "memory moment." It goes back a whole 3 days, I know how does the time fly by so fast like a man backpedaling as to why he forgot your anniversary, to go out drinking with the boys. Well on 10-31-04 also commonly known as Halloween and more specifically, Trick or Treat day. Yeah baby, free candy, dressing up, scaring people and running amok, a day truly designed for adults...oh wait, that wasn't me this year. Instead, I went Tricking and Treating with clanWG. It was a night of watching the kids beg for candy and 4 adults walking behind the "Incredible Hulk" with blinking shoes...heh heh. I think we looked more like a mob enforced shaking down of the sweet and sugary goodness than a family trick or treating. But it has been the most fun I've had T or T'ing since the years of changing costumes, and hitting the "good candy houses" of yesteryear. Yes it was a good night. It truly was a nice and fun night.



Have you ever wondered what has brought you to the place where you are? I've been thinking about this for the last couple of weeks, and I realized that everything has brought me to this place, and I'm grateful for everything. All the good things and bad, that have happened thus far have just made me the man, or jerk depending on who you ask, that I am now. It seems to be kind of weird thanking all the people who I should be hating but without them I'd be looking at the world from the bottom of a bottle slowly counting away the days till I cease to exist, and become nothing but a smear on the tapestry of life. I have a feeling that some of them want that anyway, but I can't blame them either. I can't fault them for their feelings, nor can they fault me for mine. I think that the more they tried to kill the person I am, the more they steered me into becoming the man I'm supposed to be. So it seems that hatred for the betrayers of my life, have turned to thanks and adulation. I sit here a stronger, saner and very honestly a better man for it. But that doesn't mean I've forgiven them for the acts of betrayals, just accepted them. You can't expect the rattlesnake not to strike, just because it isn't shaking it's rattle. Just like if you piss of the dog, you can't expect the dog to forget, and question why it just bit you. So with that said, this goes to all the people who tried to make me less, because whether you wanted it or not, you made me more, and for that, thank you.



One of the nice things about my life right now is simply the fact that no matter how grey life is,the sun seems to keep shining through the grey. Who knew that proverbial sunny day would be so nice to feel. Well I know now, how it's supposed to make you feel, and it's nice, very very nice.



Hehehehehe, I realize the more sleep one gets the day before the less sleep they need for the next day. I have been awake since roughly 2:30 AM and been out of bed since about 4:00 AM. That in and of itself is pretty foreign to me. I'm usually going to sleep at 9ish AM and waking up at 9ish PM. This is usually a restless sleep. Or in some cases a "green label" induced sleep. Which means it is neither restful nor a "good nights" sleep. So I was awake. Yay me. So Wg does this badges thing for POGO and I helped her get the "Sweet Tooth" badge thingy. But for the last couple games I had a helper on my knee. As we giggled and compared who was cooler stories (he won) WG was standing behind us. I think this little Norman Rockwell-esque situation made her happy. Yo know when you can feel someone beaming with happiness...well I felt that. I knew it was different than the usual beaming that takes place (usually with a baseball bat, my head and the terrifying shriek "Won't fill the ice cubes HUH?!?!?!?!?!" but I digress). It was a heart warming and very comforting setting this morning. Does this mean I'm getting domesticated? Does this mean that I'm setteling down? Does this mean I can keep asking questions like this to take up space on my blog? Does this mean I can finally know the answer to how many licks it takes to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop, without biting? Does anyone know how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuckcould chuck wood?


Hehehehe, I realized today that the smaller the town, the nicer the Goodwill. I also realized that when your Goodwill is in the same stripmall that your Family Dollar, Grocery Store and Hallmark store are, you sure can do a lot of price comparisons, and no-one looks at you funny. Well unless you happen to be a Mexican wearing a pair cut-off scrub pants in a place where flannel and denim are as popular as breathing. I knew I was in flannel country when I was in the goodwill and a 15 foot section of shirts that were for sale were flannel. From size teeny weenie to "OH MERCIFUL MINERVA!!!" To quote Marisa Tomei from the most awesome flick "My Cousin Vinny"..."yeah, you blend." Yay that dueling banjo's playing?


There are some conversations that I really wish I wasn't a part of...especially when dealing with fuzzy boxes, dirty boxes, shared boxes, and boxes that light up when someones on them, and especially if they blink...sometimes I wonder about our future...than I realize...oh crap these are my peers. So who wants to hedge their bets on the next generation?



You know it's quiet here. It's really quiet. I never noticed how nice that was. I can here the fish tank, and the clock ticking away the seconds. I can here the cars driving on the raod a block away, and I have no desire to turn on a cd, radio or the TV. As I type away at this keyboard, each keystroke almost sounds like thunder, because it happens to be the loudest thing I hear. At the same time though, the silence also makes a noise all it's own. Kind of like the same way a room might be dark, but when you close your eyes the darkness is deeper and darker. I mean I can hear the chair I'm sitting on creak when I lean back on it, I can hear the wind as it blows. I can hear the people laugh as they walk past the house on the sidewalk below. But, for me that is, the most refreshing thing is simply that I'm not thinking right now. My brain is actually quite peaceful. That silence, is actually the nicest feeling. For once I am at peace with myself. No inner turmoil. No self doubts. No insecurities. Nothing at all, ezcept the patient waiting for WG to get home. Oh sure it won't be quiet anymore, but it's a nice sound to have, after a day of silence. So you want to know something? Today is turning out to be a perfect day.


I slept today. That's all I did, well except for the blog entry and the transferring of money to the ex, other than that that was all. Watched a little TV after WG came home, but all I did otherwise was sleep. It felt good. I actually feel awake for the first time in a long time. I feel invigorated, I feel great. Hell, I feel like a new man. Oh wow is it bed time already? Good I was feeling sleepy.



Well I'll be hitting the road for possibly the last time again. Well atleast in the fact that I won't be living in Waukesha, WI anymore...or ever again. Never wanted to move back in the first place, but that's ancient history, along with the reason. You know, you think I should be worried, but I'm not, and that's the cool part. I was talking to my mom today, and she was pretty sad about me leaving, but she was also very very happy because of where I was going. That was cool, and I know when I tell WG she'll get all smiley because she likes the fact that my mom likes her, and sides with her, even if they're both wrong, because when you put them together, they're right and of course I feel the pain later. I think my life is about to change, and all I can see are good things happening. talk to you all later.



went to see WG...went to the shack with WGM, WGD, WG and WGG...out in the middle of duh boonies...relaxing-tension slipping away-eyes getting sleepy-it's not even 1030...going to sleep...



dallas trip is over...going 100 mph, need a break...go to see WG...finally get to relax...leave an email for the ex...get to over sorta


DALLAS 3 sorta

wake up early...still feeling good...drivng home...the drive felt longer than it should have...God hates us...3 days of driving in rain...eww...trying to stop at a Waffle House for dinner, couldn't find one, stopped at Wendy's, got back on expressway...there's a damn waffle house...God does not like us at all...missed our turn, it's ok we've been here off expressway in springfeild IL, took 30 mins to get back on expressway...missed our turn again...god is having a good ol' belly laff on us...finally get home...unpack car...have a JD salute on surviving our drive...


DALLAS 2 sorta

wake up, get more driving...start drinking again...take nap...go out drinking yet again...end the night at Denny's



Lots of driving...lots and lots of driving. Destination arrived. Drinking and passing out begins...end of day one


Jeff : Do you know what would be the best way to wipe out all of human kind if you were a space alien with a special kind of mind ray...? Make all women telepathic. Because if they suddenly found out about the kind of stuff that goes on in our heads they would kill us all on the spot. Men are not people - we are disgustoids in human form

Howard : [trying to explain to Jane that he's gay] ] : Jane! I AM GAY! And I've always, always been gay! I was the sperm at the back shouting "No! Don't send me into that big scary cave!" I was the only sperm who had to be chased by the egg. Don't you get it? I'm gay.

Sally : I don't want Mr. Superbly, Incredibly Fantasticness, you stupid, stupid ass. I want you.
Patrick : Oh, for God's sake, Sally.
Sally : What? WHAT?
Patrick : I was talking about me!
Sally : I'm sor-You're Mr. Superbly, Incredibly Whatever?
Patrick : [gesturing to self] Well, yes!

[Susan is about to show the others one of her breasts] Susan : Well? Which one do you want? The left one or the right one?
Patrick : The right one. [to others]
Patrick : Trust me.
Susan : Why? What's wrong with the left one?
Patrick : Now, don't be like that. There has to be a second place.
Susan : Well, I wasn't aware you were judging them individually!
Patrick : You were asleep! I was bored!

Susan : Does your dick do all your thinking?
Patrick : Dunno. I'll ask it.

[Susan has removed the lock from the bathroom door, and doesn't understand why Steve is so upset about it] Susan : Men and toilets, the love that dare not speak its name. What's that about?
Steve : [slams hand down] We are men! Throughout history, we have always needed, in times of difficulty, to retreat to our caves. It so happens that in this modern age, our caves are fully plumbed. The toilet is, for us, the last bastion, the final refuge, the last few square feet of man-space left to us! Somewhere to sit, something to read, something to do, and who gives a damn about the smell? Because that, for us, is happiness. Because we are *men.* We are different. We have only one word for soap. We do not own candles. We have never seen anything of any value in a craft shop. We do not own magazines fill of pictures of celebrities with all their clothes *on*. When we have conversations, we actually take it in turns to talk! But we have not yet reached that level of earth-shattering boredom and inhuman despair that we would have a haircut *recreationally*. We don't know how to get excited about... really, *really* boring things, like ornaments, bath oil, the countryside, vases, small churches. I mean, we do not even know what, *what* in the name of God's *ass* is the purpose of potpourri! Looks like breakfast, smells like your auntie! Why do we need that? So please, in this strange and frightening world, allow us one last place to call our own. This toilet, this blessed pot, this... fortress of solitude. You girls, you may go to the bathroom in groups of two or more. Yet we do not pass comment. We do not make judgement. That is your choice. But we men will always walk the toilet mile... alone. [audience applauds]


Oh good golly miss molly, it's so nice to be here living breathing and looking forward to moving. and grooving. Sorry this is a little short, but I spent most of the night dealing with boys who can't sleep and emailing a friend who I have been neglecting. I'M SORRY JC FOR TAKING FOREVER TO RESPOND *DROPPING TO MY KNEES* PLEASE FIND IT IN YOUR LOVING AND CARING HEART TO FORGIVE THE WICKED WICKED WICKED MAN I AM
I really hope you forgive me soon, my knees are starting to hurt, but I'll be there, well until the boys wake up.

until than i remain begging and pleading for forgiveness man named




Damnit damnit damnit!!! Sure I finally get sucked into the world of NASCAR and I find a driver who I'm willing to cheer into the winners circle, other than Jeff Gordon who did do an amazing job at the UAW-GM 500 which I know WG will hate me for even mentioning the name but driving from 40th place to coming in at 2nd at the finish, thats some good driving. Although it was at the expense of race leader Kasey Kahne who lead the race simply put. Till he had some bad luck. Sadly with him out of the race, that was the only chance any other driver would get. Than I thoght it would be the driver who through sheer class, good driving and all heart had a chance. Than in the 313 lap he wrecked. Mark Martin was out of the race, and might be completely out of the Chase for the Cup. To make matters worse he's not going to be racing fulltime next year, so that means this may be my drivers last chance at the Cup.
The worst part is I don't know this is pissing me off so much. I mean I'm fairly new, ok very very new to the world of NASCAR, but it's still upsetting.
It's all about Rivendale. Go Rivendale HODOGS. In the style of Kermit the Frog "YAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!"

and with that said.....

see ya




First you got to read this, to understand why I'm talking about this. Whatever Writes from 9-25-04

Well because of this little statement I happened to be at WG's and I was watching TV, and for some reason, I as just not getting into Days of Our Lives so I decided to channel hop. Started to watch this movie on the Lifetimes Movie Network (I know I know, but on the TV guide it said Sigourney Weaver AND Julianne Moore) called A Map of the World. It was ok but I wasn't totally in the mood for 'drama', so I watched the Program Guide again. Than 'lo and behold...Boobah ( this is 'borrowed from the Boobah website...)

ABOUT BOOHBAH Boohbah is an exciting new programme for children, with a format that fosters both creative thinking and creative movement. Boohbah is entirely designed to encourage physical action on the part of its young viewers. It deliberately combines infectious magical movement, for children to imitate, with inset stories for them to predict outcomes. The design of the show - visually and otherwise, draws upon early concepts in science, maths and art and combines these with ‘televisual magic’ to create a uniquely funny television experience. The Boohbahs, five magical atoms of power, light and fun travel in their Boohball around the world, from child to child. Fifteen countries are visited throughout the changing title sequence. The Boohbahs represent the imaginative power and light which allows children to control the screen action by the use of the magic word “Boohbah”, and send presents into an imaginary Storyworld for the Storypeople - Grandmamma, Grandpappa, Mrs Lady, Mr Man, Brother and Sister, Auntie and Little Dog Fido to play with and make a story in partnership with them. We hear the children intervening in the screen action by the sound of their blowing and their use of the word “Boohbah”. This motivates the action and moves the story along. Only Little Dog Fido is not wholly in their control! Children are totally engaged and have a lot of fun guessing which Storyperson will appear and what will happen next.

Now with that said...It's my turn. If
Sid and Marty Krofft had a bastard child and left it with Larry Flynt to raise it, than gave it to PBS as a kids show you have Boobah. I started watching the show in it's halfway point only because after being shown them from Whatever Writes I had deal with the anti-christ on his own grounds. And I'm pretty sure I lost some braincells in the process. In this particular episode Grandpappa is walking around with a 4-5 foot hot dog and bun. Than all of a sudden the "hot dog" pops out of the bun, and Grandpappa is standing there holding his bun open. Than poof Grandmamma shows up gets an arm full of "hot dog" and procedes to run around holding the "hot dog" as if it were a giant penis. It was even resting against her pelvis, but of course becuase it's so huge, she kind of staggers around, than it falls into grandpappa's still open bun. If the cup had not alraedy been overflowin with latent sexual images, a bottle of ketchup "poofs into existance". Which of course grandmamma picks up and of course "by accicent" grandpappa gets a facefull. Than if that still wasn't enough, grandmamma starts to...well basically she gives herself a facefull of hot dog and bun, followed by grandpappa indulging in the greatnes that is a fake hot dog and bun.

The best thing is I haven't even got to the Boobah's yet. Again more visuals that I know you think I'm over-exagerating, but I swear on the ghost of christmas to come, all that I say is actually under described. So with that said, the Boobah's are doing this LSD laced dance with colors and swirly effects that would make any "Pink Floyd, the Wall" fan drool with hallucinatory visions and flashbacks. But the dance, and sweet sister christian, this is where I practically lost it. They do this dance where they pop their heads in and out of their bodies, which vaguely reminded me of women running into warm water, cold water and warm water again. Than they climb into these little "beds" and it looks just like a vagina with their heads being where the clitoris is, it's even got the "hood" shape. Finally the music actually sounds like happy porn music. To finish my little venture into the realm of..."Even in my most fucked-uped-ness, I couldn't even fathom the particularities that could create something like this". The worst part is I want that 15 minutes of my life back, but it's gone. Well at least it wasn't "Barb Wire".

and with that I remain




Barberella...hehehehe. And yes that's actual dialogue from that movie. Hi everyone. How are you all today? Well it's been a while since I have updated you with the simple dealings of my existence so lets get on with it. First of all, I have found a new job and will be relocating at the end of this month. I'm moving to "Rivendale" as my new roommate, who also happens to be my cousin aka RD likes to refer to it as. New roommate you ask? Yes, I answer. Hehehehe. Well he's been at the home for almost 2 months now, as RM moved out 3 moths ago but only picked up his stuff 1 month ago. Which is too bad because I'm pretty sure most of it had a pretty good resale value. Just Kidding. But yeah that's the long and short of it all. Time to reboot the life. Time to give it a boot in the ass. Does anyone remember the show Re-Boot? "I am Pooooooooooos in Boots!" and that my friends was my "boot"y call. Ok I have come to the complete realization that a pot of coffee, a liter of diet pepsi and an empty stomach has 3 reactions. I don't have to tell you the first 2 do I?? Well the 3rd reaction is not being able to sit still, frenzied thoughts, a little bit of the shakes or something I'll just call "CAFFEINE HIGH" or how to make my heart race without the help of naked boobies. Well as things are known to happen, I sit here typing away again hoping by all means that I remain entertaining enough to read. 1600 hits and I wonder how many of you are bored by the end. I know a teller of great tales I am not but I try. Wow it's been a while since self doubt reared it's ugly yet strangely familiar head. Oh yeah I even talked with WG about learning to shoot a gun?!?! It's true. I figure it's about I started dealing with some of my fears of which I have many. Guns, snakes and heights to name the 3 big ones. Of course than there are the irrational fears such as dying and no one coming to my funeral to name one. You know I don't even know when that one first appeared. But as things go, I'm actually doing pretty good right now. I'm extrememly happy with the girlfriend situation. I'm excited about the new job and moving. I'm pretty happy with myself and the person I almost am. To quote Experiment 626 or more affectionately known as Stitch "I found it, all on my own. It's little, and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good" and I think that kind of says it all. So I guess with that I remain a lost but, with a little bit of luck and a whole lot of love, somehow finding his way sort of guy named...




You know I'm such a follower at times. I have started a web comic, and have 12 "episodes' so far. As soon as I find a way to publish them I will. But I figure at this time it's better to just have them and go from there. The best part is I realized, my life thus far has enuff stupid stuff in it that i was able to write 12 lil stories in 30 minutes. I got to tell you, yes, God does have a sense of humor. Well I'll be back in a little bit to write some more, until than I remain




Like I don't have enough distractions in my life, I found this...again. It was sent to me a while back by "MOM", and because I happen to read another web comic and they actually crossed over, I ws able to fill my last few minutes of my shift at work happily and gleefully reading this web comic called "something positive". What I mean by the last few minutes I mean a grand total of 14 hours I was paid to read this comic in the course of three days. Not only have I shared something positive with some co-workers but now I'm sharing it with you guys and gals. It has humor and I mean HUMOR like a poke in the eye, that you immediately laugh at because it wasn't you. It's humor like watching that person slip and fall on the "wet floor" even though the sign with the same words is standing right next to the said "wet floor" area. It's funny like a porn shop that doesn't allow it's employees to play any music with curse words kinda funny. What I'm trying to say is that its fuckin funny. But (oh c'mon you know after that much praise there had to be a but) it also has very entertaing characters, well written stories that somehow tug at your heart, than kicks you in the groin. There have been a few pages that almost had me in tears both from laughing and very sad little tales. something positive check it out. something positive i mean it, check it out now. something positive thats it I'm coming over now to beat youu senseless only because you haven't checked out something positive.

So until next time I remain your free advertisement whore named




It's an amazingly sad day when a hero dies. Not the spandex wearing, claws popping or cape wearing heroes, but their real life counterparts. Now where am I going with this? Well Since yesterday I've been in this weird little funk. Christopher Reeve has died. Superman has died. I know there is a difference between reality and fiction. I know this. I can watch a movie with Tobey Mcguire and say thats Toby and not say there's Spiderman. The truth is I can't say that about Christopher Reeve. As a matter of fact I compare the "other supermen" to his portrayl. He convinced a 6 year old kid that a klutz could be more than what people see. He convinced a 6 year old that anything was possible. He convinced a 6 year old that a man could fly. When I sit and watch Superman, I still feel awe and wonder at the first sighting of the costume. When he "flies" for the first time it is still breathtaking and this is before CGI and digital effects. I know he's been in other movies, and I know he's done a world of good for paralysis and stem cell research. I know he's directed movies and been in the theatre. But he'll always be be Superman to this 6 year old kid. Sure I'm a lot older now. Although the hero who fought for truth justice and the American way, who has shown all of us that it's not about the cape. It's all about the heart and the fly. When I was 6 years old Superman convinced me that a man could fly. When I was 28 Christopher Reeve proved to me that a man could stand taller than ever before. I'm 32 and Christopher Reeve proved to me that he truly was a Superman standing taller, shining brighter and flying higher. This world has lost a good man NO we lost a, superman and for some reason it seems a little more empty than it was before. So I humbly remain...




purposely confusing the word someday with Sunday...

making the eating of ice cream sound more erotic than it should be...

answering "who" when someone talks about someone they are a fan of, WG says "Dale jr won the race" and I respond with"who?"...

convincing a 5 year old that "blushing" is actually "wind fever"...

being the only one laughing at a scene in a movie...

sharing an inside joke "look kids Big Ben, Parliment"...

losing something over and over again, for example "Hey Cuz, you seen my keys/wallet/smokes?"...

laughing at "Pulp Fiction", "Resovoir Dogs" and "Scarface" because for some reason i seem to be the only who laughs throughout these movies...

realizing I'm 32 years old and the word "boobies" still cracks me up
(boo·by2 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bb)n. Vulgar Slang pl. boo·bies
A woman's breast.)

and this has me in stitches...

getting really excited about the Heffalump...

knowing that the power of christ compels me...

usig movie quotes out of context, hee hee hee...

and stopping not becuase I'm done, but just because




I'm tired, I'm thinking of taking a nap.

I'm also hungry, why doesn't Burger King fill you up the way it used to?

Where do I boogers come from? And why Do you only get them after you sleep?

And who came up with the word boogers, or any words at all? I mean who looked up one day and said..."cloud" "sky" "sun", or looked at body parts and said....'hmmm I think I'll call that a penis"

Why is it that bad karoke singers don't realize they're bad, and sing more times than the good ones?

WHere's my soda?

Oh Crap (first thought after spilling it on myself)

I'm going out for a cigarette.

Wow, that was boring.

and cold.

Why did I start this again?

Oh yeah...random thoughts.

Ok Nap time.

see ya




Is this really awesome blog that conveys the great things about being in love, the sadness of being apart and most imprtantly the truth of who you are. I had originally had this blog on my site telling you all to check it out, but I was than told that wasn't supposed to do that, so I rectified the situation. Now a few days have passed and I got this email...
You Brat
Wed, 6 Oct 2004 21:21:43 -0500

You brat. You didn't have to take my blog off of your site. It was really nice how you had described it. Very sweet of you. I was really shocked to see it gone today. I just really didn't know if I was ready to let the world see it or not. I guess I'm ready.

So The Truth About Me is this really awesome blog that conveys the great things about being in love, the sadness of being apart and most imprtantly the truth of who you are. You see when she writes what she does, it's hard not to get drawn into the love that she obvioulsy feels for her husband, and the way he makes her feel. It's a warm summer breeze kind of blog. The jumping in mud puddles and feeling the warm mud slip through your toes kind of blog. It's the moment right before you get that kiss you have been waiting all day for kind of blog. The warm hug for no reason kind of blog. So I really hope you all read it. It's called The Truth ABout Me. I just wanted you all to know about it.


I've been re-reading my Transmetropolitan comics over the last few days. It seems to me that there is just enough hatered and bitterness in these comics to inspire me to write a lot. If you couldn't tell. Well to give you a bare bones idea of what this is...
this was of course affectionaly stolen and linked back to the where you can gett a better idea of who and what I'm talking about
Transmetropolitan is about Spider Jerusalem, a crazy, chain-smoking, drug-taking, in-your-face guerilla journalist who should be an inspiration to you all.At the time Transmetropolitan was launched, in mid-1997, it was one of a small number of ongoing series published by DC Comics under its Helix imprint, which published science fiction comic books. Most of them sold rather poorly, but Transmetropolitan unexpectedly sold well and quickly garnered critical attention. A trade paperback of the first three sold-out issues was quickly published. At the time, writer Warren Ellis was barely known. During Transmetropolitan's first year, the entire Helix line, which also included various limited series, was cancelled. As leader of the pack, Transmet (as it is affectionately known) alone would survive -- moved to DC Comics' successful Vertigo imprint.The series would continue for four more years, with Warren Ellis announcing that it would be drawing to a close with issue #60. While Warren Ellis was writing it, he suddenly became a hot writer with the success, in 1999, of both The Authority and Planetary. This success never really rubbed off on Transmetropolitan, though Spider Jerusalem was seen as emblematic of Ellis and the title as Ellis's staple, especially after he left The Authority and Planetary's schedule became erratic. The real success of Transmetropolitan, like so many of Vertigo's books, was in its trade paperback program. Collections of Transmet sold fairly well, though the title itself did not and the collections lagged significantly behind the issues they collected.Transmetropolitan came to a close after sixty issues and two specials, almost all of the work illustrated by Darick Robertson, whose style seemed to become sloppier as the series progressed, inked mostly by Rodney Ramos. The legacy of Transmet continues in its collections and in the occasional specials that Ellis has talked about writing at some future point
again this was affectionally borrowed from
and above all else Spider come's at you with nothing but the truth, and a lot of hostility. Well he is an angry and spiteful person anyway, but he's forced to do something that he gave up on. He stopped writing in the city because he couldn't get to the truth anymore. He gave up because he couldn't find the truth anymore. The truth. So needless to say I have been re-reading this series, and lo and behold, guess what I found? I found that little bit of spark that has inspired me to write even more. I will continue to keep you all updated on the greatness that is my relationship w/ WG, which is going awesome I might add. I still get that "feeling when you wake up on Christmas morning", the anticipatory excitement when I am driving up to see her, followed by the "Yay it's time to open the presents!!!!" feeling when I do see her. So just in case you were wondering, yeah, things are going pretty good there. But, and thats why the original name to this little blog was "I Hate It Here...sometimes" because I do. Now with the election bullshit and reading this comic, it seems that a fire was lit under my sun denied fat ass, and low and behold, the emotions come a flooding out. I guess this is kind of a warning, when I do update my blog, there will be many a things on here all at once. I may go a day or two without typing something but believe you me, I will make up for it. So with that being said...
I remain just



I read blogs on an almost daily basis. Sometimes I think that some of the things said are watered down truths or straight up lies. But sometimes, you find one that seems to touch and reach that place inside you where you keep your fears, doubts, and broken dreams hidden. That somehow, someway, someone knows too. You hope that you can meet someone and they will give you the secrets to happiness. That they will wave their magic wand and life is perfect. But it doesn't happen. Instead you keep getting a double dose of bile encrusted reality, that drags you kicking and screaming back to the place you don't want to be at. The place where everyday you hope "It'll get better if I can make it through one more day". Only to find out it's not better. Only to realize "same damn shit again". Well 32 years 4 months and 5 days later, I've come to realize I'm nothing special. Just a broken down child who finally and through some luck found a girl who gives him 2 things he has been lacking in his life. She has given me hope. A hope for a future. A hope for a happiness. A hope for love. She has given me a hope for love. Through that hope for love has also given me the strength to say, "I'm not strong enough today, help me please." She doesn't try to "fix" anything, but stands there holding my hand. Right by my side. Now is everything perfect? No. But that's OK. But I for the first time in many, many, many years, I have hope. It seems I have veered away from my original subject. Sorry. Well back to where I originally started, I read this blog and although I may not know all her pains, I do know about the empty pit of darkness that travels at great length to swallow every tear and stifle every smile. Where joy is always tempered with missed opportunities, which in turn strips away the shine, dulls the radiance and leaves you cold and empty. Where every evanescent smile gives way for surrender. Where every passing thought, you do little more than ingurgitate a scintilla of felicity, and hope it's enough for today, for this hour, minute or second. Where you do little more than grasp on every wisp of hope only to feel it fade away like a dream. Now I know that these blogs that we write on everyday can't ameliorate our own conditions, but it does help to know that you are not alone with these thoughts or feelings. That there are others who feel the same things that we do. That in some cases there are virtual shoulders to lean on, along with real ones. So I sit here with nothing to offer other than a fleeting indication of hope. For today, I hope it's enough. If you read this let me know if you want to be linked, because it would be my pleasure to add you.

I remain just



Now I did and am stealing this "survey" from the same place I stole ysterdays. Diary of a Suburban Housewife, so I guess to all you new bloggers out there, when faced with writers block, or just don't have anything on your mind to write, read someone else's blog because you will get ideas, and no you perv's not those ideas.

Well this is called 3 things so I hope you enjoy


...I am wearing right now

1. Blue jeans
2. My "Boars Nest" hat
3. A smile

...on my desk

1. Water
2. Walkie Talkie
3. Paperwork I am ignoring so I can do this list

...I want to do before I die

1. Go to Scotland
2. Be a father and a dad.
3. Write a book, and it becomes a bestseller

...good things about my personality

1. Friendly
2. Always ready to smile
3. Optimistic, most times

...bad things about my personality

1. My inability to accept failure
2. My inability to accept people who are closeminded
3. My willingness to argue and debate...EVERYTHING

...I like about my body

1. My smile
2. The color of my eyes
3. My "hopefully" growing tattoo collection

...I don't like about my body

1. Pooh Belly
2. Short hair (but i am working on that one)
3. The lack of muscle

...most people don't know about me

1. I hate talking on the phone, but enjoy talking to only one person on the phone
2. That I own video games for systems I don't own
3. I actually like paperwork

...I say the most

1. beautious (b-you-tea-us)
2. Let me put it this way...

...I want to go to

2. Boston
3. New Orleans

...names that I go by

1. Manny
2. Manuel
3. Jose

...screen names I have had

1. Phulespride
2. saintnsyynner
3. Messiah1972


Oh my god, I never thought I'd be here talking about politics or politicians, considering how I feel about the bottom feeding filth that they are. But I am. Not for them, but for you, the few (or many) who read this. I can't stand politicians or the lies that come forth vomited at velocities that would make the bullet train and concordes seem like bacward walking turtles. They spend more time backpeddling and mudslinging than actually being honest with their agendas beliefs and ideals. The whole Iraq, safety of america and who did or did not do something right or wrong is making me more sick than watching "Cabin Boy" for the first time. FUCK YOU both. I don't care if you were enlisted. I don't care what you think of each other. You are both the pompous assholes who when decided will take yet another turn in fucking America, it's people and it's ideals. And no I don't just mean figuratively. I mean you will rape, shit and piss on the very ideals that make this a great nation and a great people. I mean for god's sake shut up and tell the fuckin truth allready. Is the war a mistake? Ask the brave people who are fighting and dying in it for the sake of America and the freedoms we enjoy and take for granted. Are the powers that be using this as a means to their own ends? Does that really need to be asked. Did not a former wrestler and navy seal acomplish everything he said he would do, in HIS FIRST TERM! as govener. His only term I might add. Did he not also get "shut down" constantly because of the fact that he was not of the 2 major parties? How is this in the benefit of the people? It isn't. Yet all we do is sit idyly by and do nothing. Now I may be one cynical mother fucker when it comes to what I percieve this wholly popular, oops I mean political, arena is and consisits of. I may not be a smart man, nor have I ever claimed to be, but again I still do rely on a lost and dying skill. COMMON SENSE people. Remember what that is? Right now there are millions of people who won't and wouldn't consider someone else choosing what they eat or where they live. But these same people are going to let someone else decide who runs the country. Not just any country though. It's the country that you live in. It's the country that you are raising your family in. It's the country that you grew up in. It's consisdered to be the greatest country in the world. And you are willing to let someone you don't know or care to know decide who will take control? It's time to stand up and take a stance. America, our America is being driven into the ground by "those that know better" and we are letting them. They are taking control or our homeland, and the "people" aren't stopping them. If you don't like one or the other, find someone you do support. And by all things great and holy, don't vote for the lesser of two evils. Vote for the right man or woman for the job. To LEAD AMERICA to the greatness she was. We don't need any more Clintons, Bushs or Nixons. We need leaders god damnit and we need them soon. This has been a political rambling from a member of the human race and who lives in the USA. Who still has faith in man. Who still has faith in woman. Who still has faith in Americans. Who still has faith in God.
Who still has faith...





I don't know I found it on another blog and it looked kinda fun, than after I was done with it i am I boring ...

updated umm can't remember the day

updated again 12/15/07

200 Things....

If it's something I have done, then it's in bold type.
01. Bought everyone in the pub a drink
02. Swam with wild dolphins
03. Climbed a mountain
04. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive
05. Been inside the Great Pyramid
06. Held a tarantula.
07. Taken a candlelit bath with someone
08. Said ˜I love you" and meant it
09. Hugged a tree
10. Done a striptease
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Stayed up all night long, and watched the sun rise
15. Seen the Northern Lights
16. Gone to a huge sports game
17. Walked the stairs to the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa
18. Grown and eaten my own vegetables
19. Touched an iceberg
20. Slept under the stars
21. Changed a baby's diaper
22. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon
23. Watched a meteor shower
24. Gotten drunk on champagne
25. Given more than you can afford to charity
26. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope
27. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment
28. Had a food fight
29. Bet on a winning horse
30. Taken a sick day when you're not ill
31. Asked out a stranger
32. Had a snowball fight
33. Photocopied your bottom on the office photocopier
34. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can
35. Held a lamb
36. Enacted a favorite fantasy
37. Taken a midnight skinny dip
38. Taken an ice cold bath
39. Had a meaningful conversation with a beggar
40. Seen a total eclipse
41. Rode on a roller coaster
42. Hit a home run
43. Fit three weeks miraculously into three days
44. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking
45. Adopted an accent for an entire day
46. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
47. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment
48. Had two hard drives for your computer
49. Visited all 50 states
50. Loved your job for all accounts
51. Taken care of someone who was shit faced
52. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
53. Had amazing friends
54. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country
55. Watched wild whales
56. Stolen a sign
57. Backpacked in Europe
58. Taken a road-trip
59. Rock climbing
60. Lied to foreign government's official in that country to avoid notice
61. Midnight walk on the beach
62. Sky diving
63. Visited Ireland
64. Been heartbroken longer then you were actually in love
65. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger's table and had a meal with them
66. Visited Japan
67. Benchpressed your own weight
68. Milked a cow
69. Alphabetized your records
70. Pretended to be a superhero
71. Sung karaoke
72. Lounged around in bed all day
73. Posed nude in front of strangers
74. Scuba diving
75. Got it on to Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye
76. Kissed in the rain
77. Played in the mud
78. Played in the rain
79. Gone to a drive-in theater
80. Done something you should regret, but don't regret it.
81. Visited the Great Wall of China
82. Discovered that someone who's not supposed to have known about your blog has discovered your blog
83. Dropped Windows in favor of something better
84. Started a business
85. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken
86. Toured ancient sites
87. Taken a martial arts class
88. Swordfought for the honor of a woman
89. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight
90. Gotten married
91. Been in a movie
92. Crashed a party
93. Loved someone you shouldn't have
94. Kissed someone so passionately it made them dizzy
95. Gotten divorced
96. Had sex at the office
97. Gone without food for 5 days
98. Made cookies from scratch
99. Won first prize in a costume contest
100. Rode a gondola in Venice
101. Gotten a tattoo
102. Found that the texture of some materials can turn you on
103. Rafted the Snake River
104. Been on television news programs as an "expert"
105. Got flowers for no reason
106. Masturbated in a public place
107. Got so drunk you don't remember anything
108. Been addicted to some form of illegal drug
109. Performed on stage
110. Been to Las Vegas
111. Recorded music
112. Eaten shark
113. Had a one-night stand
114. Gone to Thailand
115. Seen Siouxsie live
116. Bought a house
117. Been in a combat zone
118. Buried one/both of your parents
119. Shaved or waxed your pubic hair off
120. Been on a cruise ship
121. Spoken more than one language fluently
122. Gotten into a fight while attempting to defend someone
123. Bounced a check
124. Performed in Rocky Horror
125. Read - and understood - your credit report
126. Raised children
127. Recently bought and played with a favorite childhood toy
128. Followed your favorite band/singer on tour
129. Created and named your own constellation of stars
130. Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country
131. Found out something significant that your ancestors did
132. Called or written your Congress person
133. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over
134. ...more than once?
- More than thrice?
135. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge
136. Sang loudly in the car, and didn't stop when you knew someone was looking
137. Had an abortion or your female partner did
138. Had plastic surgery
139. Survived an accident that you shouldn't have survived
140. Wrote articles for a large publication
141. Lost over 100 pounds
142. Held someone while they were having a flashback
143. Piloted an airplane
144. Petted a stingray
145. Broken someone's heart
146. Helped an animal give birth
147. Been fired or laid off from a job
148. Won money on a T.V. game show
149. Broken a bone
150. Killed a human being
151. Gone on an African photo safari
152. Rode on a motorcycle
153. Driven any land vehicle at a speed of greater than 100 mph
154. Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced
155. Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol
156. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild
157. Rode a horse
158. Had major surgery
159. Had sex on a moving train
160. Had a snake as a pet
161. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
162. Slept through an entire flight: takeoff, flight, and landing
163. Slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours
164. Visited more foreign countries than U.S. states
165. Visited all 7 continents
166. Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days
167. Eaten kangaroo meat
168. Fallen in love at an ancient Mayan burial ground
169. Been a sperm or egg donor
170. Eaten sushi
171. Had your picture in the newspaper
172. Had 2 (or more) healthy romantic relationships for over a year in your lifetime
173. Changed someone's mind about something you care deeply about
174. Gotten someone fired for their actions
175. Gone back to school
176. Parasailed
177. Changed your name
178. Petted a cockroach
179. Eaten fried green tomatoes
180. Read The Iliad
181. Selected one "important" author who you missed in school, and read
182. Dined in a restaurant and stolen silverware, plates, cups because your apartment needed them
183. ...and gotten 86'ed from the restaurant because you did it so many times, they figured out it was you
184. Taught yourself an art from scratch
185. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
186. Apologized to someone years after inflicting the hurt
187. Skipped all your school reunions
188. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language
189. Been elected to public office
190. Written your own computer language
191. Thought to yourself that you're living your dream
192. Had to put someone you love into hospice care
193. Built your own PC from parts
194. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn't know you
195. Had a booth at a street fair
196: Dyed your hair
197: Been a DJ
198: Found out someone was going to dump you via Blogger
199: Written your own role playing game
200: Been arrested



Pet Peeves:
10. Being interuppted or being present when someone else is....Wait your turn!
9. People who click their pens in meetings. If your not responsible to have a clicking pen, then get one with a cap.
8. People who are always complaining, whining, crabby...there are always reasons to be unhappy if you look really hard for them, there are also always reasons to be happy, so look for those.
7. When someone asks a question then starts talking about something else or to someone else when you are giving the answer. If you don't want to know, don't ask.
6. People who are always thinking they are sick with something when they are not, they are just looking for attention.
5. When people who don't know what they are talking about, think they know what they are talking about and they don't shut up about it.
4. Fuzzy radio stations, either it comes in or it goes off!
3. When you talk to someone who is all about them, they don't stop to ask how you are or what is new with you, just talk and talk.
2. People that talk with food in thier mouth or chew loudly. This one is my dad in me and I could just kill him for how murderous it makes me.
1. People who don't appreciate what they have. Whether that is a good family, good health, good job....


ps I forgot to add one to my list...
Cupboard doors.. Ever meet anyone that leaves the open all the time.. GRRRRR! It runs in my family. On both sides. GRRRR!

So....I was just reading my list of pet peeves and don't want to come off like I hate everything, so I thought I should list the things that make me happy (in no particular order)....
10. Fall because it is the best season and then it leads to the first snowfall.
9. My job, I know I am a homer, but I work for the best organization in the world and know that every day I help people make their lives better. What a feeling!
8. Walking the dog. It is great alone time when it is just me and when it is with my husband it is great conversation time. It is when he gets to hear all about my day and any problems with my staff.
7. Making other people's days, whether it is by an something big or small, I feel best when making other people happy.
6. Cooking/Baking. I love it! And it goes with number
7, makes my husband happy! Ok, most of the time!
5. Lazy days, they are few and far between, but I love them!
4. When all the laundry is done, I know, I am a little freakish about this, but I love knowing everything is clean.
3. Friends, we have some that are great, some that are good and some that are neither, but I love them all.
2. My new family, my husband and step daughter. I am a lucky lady to have found such special people.
1. My old family, I couldn't have asked for a better childhood and now that I am older I couldn't have asked for a better support system. They are amazing.





I tell you working a long shift with little to no sleep, is a major pain in the ass. I have also come to the conclusion sleep is still for the weak, but naps are wasted on the yout's. It's true, remember when having to take a nap or telling your kids it's nap time was no different than trying to herd cattle into their respective pens. But as you got older, you started to look forward to that afterschool/work nap. And now at my humble age of 32, I have been known to take naps at work, at home, in the car (passenger & driver although I do try to discourage doing it while driving, the sudden stops interrupt the nap), after Thanksgiving dinner, while the "WE" channel is on and as a sin in Wisconsin, taking a nap while the Packers are playing. You see for some reason I don't seem to get much sleep down here anymore, but while I'm visiting WG I do seem to get a nice sleep. even if I'm woken up at 830 in the morning for a day spent at Cranberry-o-rama. I know that's not what it's called but for some reason it just seems funner to say it that way. But again I reiterate, naps are AWESOME. Especially if your able to take them with that special person, and especially if it's after "memory"(ask WG and 22 about that) making. I know today's is kinda short but after my nap, I have a lot of work to catch up on. BTW congratulations to Dale Jr. if I would have missed that I'd never hear the end of it. Wow, the survival instinct (you know being a coward by nature) just kicked in.

Oh yeah, more neat blogs to check out...

Small Town Sex "Stuck in the Dating Scene again at age 30 something. And stuck in a small town. Read about my sexual adventures, or lack of"...what can I say? With a tag line like that I had to read it. I just started reading the archives and it's funny, sad, and sometimes a little mirror like (well excluding the fact that I'm a guy and she's a girl but you get the general idea).
well sadly, it's time for me to do that work thing again. I know after giving you such a riveting (YAAAAAWN) contribution how sad is it for me to go? Well THEY do pay me and THEY do expect me to do somethings. So until next time...

I remain a firm believer in NAPS named


I HATE MY BOSS at the moment

I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM at this moment right now I really and truly despise him!!!!! Will keep you updated...until than I remain a man too damn pissed off to come up with a clever phrase named Jose




Well I was a WAL-MART shopper today. You know I keep forgetting what very cool "clearance sale stuff" they have. I picked up 3 shirts a Spiderman shirt a white t-ee with a pocket, a sleeveless black with red starter tee and a package of socks FOR $27 and change. I even got the oil changed andsome new wiperblades put on my car. You know WAL-MART has a pretty decent oil change plan, it was a total of $26 plus some change. So today I walked around WAL-MART for a about an hour and I remembered the first time I set foot in this particular WAL-MART, WG, WGG, and I went shopping for some grub and WGG and I had a lot of fun playing in the store. I mean, WG even yelled at both of us. It was just a really good day. So today as I walked around it was some nice little memories to have.

Well anyway, it was one of those really nice rainy kinda days where you have the radio on and just read, or in my case get a quick lunch, take a nap, a shower and than feel inspired to write. This particular entry is a little bit different because I'm not writing it live and uncut like I usually do. I'm writing it on the notepad and will transfer it all over when I'm done. I don't know why, maybe it's because I read "My Insane Life", and it just got me thinking of WG alot. I'm at her place right now typing away on her computer and instead of the radio I have CMT and I'll be damned one of her favorite songs just came on. Yes honey, I'm linking Trace Adkins, because the song is "Rough and Ready" happens to be playing. Well anyway I have just been thinking how nice today would have been to spend all day on the couch watching country video's, ordering a pizza and just in case we get a burst of energy drive the 1 1/2 blocks to the video store. Yes. I did say drive. To get a couple more movies just to waste the day away. But alas this is just a fantasy. WG is at work, and like a faithful basset hound I'm waiting for her to get home so I can hold her again. Just wanted to share a fantasy with you all. A1 I know this is the last day of work at your current place of employment, and tonite I guess we're suppose to celebrate. I hope after tonite we can hang out again. WG mentioned road trip...he he he he. So I guess I hafta do a shot with you (really big grin) if that's ok. So I wish you the best of luck, my friend.
Oh SHIIIT, I gotta meet WG's family, I mean the rest of them. Good god girl how many relatives you got??

So until next time I remain a WAL-MART shopper named





This starts a new little segment of my blogs that will be called "the greatness that is". So it's coming from skewed and confused senses and being intrepreted by the juvenile, infantile and childish mind that resides in the overweight body of a 32 year old. It will touch on things such as Anna Nicole Smith, Beer Bongs, Jackass, Leslie Neilson and strip bars. Today's "greatness" topic is Irony, if the title didn't give it away,for example...

On Wednesday around 330ish in the afternoon, I happened to be driving Bluemound Rd. (those of you who do not know southeastern WI...specifically the Milwaukee, Brookfield, and Waukesha area its a major road that connects the three cities) Well anyway I'm driving the road, and I see two squad cars, the cherries and berries illuminated and flashing on the side of the road. The next thing I see is the two police officers talking to someone in an electric wheelchair. LMAO!

This is a true story.

The second example and again this is true, trust me I coudln't make this up, I'm not that clever. My cousin decided to put in an application at the local porn and head shop. Well while he's filling out the application, they had the radio on. The censored version of "Nookie" by Limp Bizkit happened to be playing so I turned to the clerk and said "and the ironic thing is we're listening to a censored song here", I thought I was being clever. Well the clerk turns to me and says "You think thats bad? We can't play any CD's with curse words in the lyrics!" Now for those of you who have never set foot in a porn shop, yes what the crude words are for sex are used either in the title, in the description and if the words don't say enough...the graphic pictures on the movie boxes kinda give it away.

If you got one send it in, leave it as a comment or leave it on the blog board...until next time

I remain the greatness that is a movie geek named




Hello, hi howdy all you sassy tomboy's. I can't believe it. I've been allowed to be an advertisng whore again. I don't know why I find this fun, nor do I care. I just enjoy talking about a new BLOG, and espeicially when it's about a special gal, or as she refers to herself, a Sassy Tomboy. Yupperooni WG, my special sweetie, yes her, she has her own place on here. Sassy Tomboy is the name of her little spot. Did you catch the name yet? Sassy Tomboy, is the name, yes it is. Well now that I'm done talking about Sassy Tomboy, I can go on with the updating of my blog. Thats right I'm going to stop talking about Sassy Tomboy and worry about writing my newest blog entry, and stop talking about Sassy Tomboy. Oh hell with it, Sassy TomboySassy TomboySassy TomboySassy TomboySassy TomboySassy TomboySassy TomboySassy TomboySassy TomboySassy TomboySassy TomboySassy TomboySassy TomboySassy TomboySassy TomboySassy TomboySassy TomboySassy TomboySassy TomboySassy TomboySassy TomboySassy TomboySassy TomboySassy TomboySassy Tomboy

Ok with that I've had a really good day so far and this week has been pretty good too. You know actually, ever since I had some time off, I've felt awesom. I've felt great. I mean GAWDDAMNIT, I feel like a million bucks. So I'm actually waiting for something to crash down, and for some strange reason, I'm actually looking forward to it. I mean in the words of the "the most electrifying man in sports entertainment" The Rock says "JUST BRING IT"!!!!

You can't kill me, you can't even break me. I'm the most complete man I have ever been. So thank you all who spent all that time breaking me down. I thank you because simply, there's nothing else you can take from me. So now that I'm done with my more is less know the you stripped away all that was weak and just left a man who can truly love someone with no baggage in the way because you all killed it already. So thank you. For making me be the man who can live and love. Wow I know a little heavy today, but sometimes I just feel the urge to, well just to emote, so I did. so until next time...

i reamain a more simple man than before named




It is an amazing thing, that we live our lives in such a hectic pace, that we actually have people who are hired and and paid to be "wait" staff. They not only stop to serve you they have you wait for everything too. "It'll be un just a minute", how many times have we heard that stament. But I'm digressing to far from my train of thought. You see I saw a movie, that was just about that. It was about waiting and it kinda put some things into perspective for me. I mean...

Oh I rush and rush until life's no fun
All I really gotta do is live and die
But I'm in a hurry and don't know why.

Sound familiar anybody? Yes it's a song, but isn't that our day to day lives? Yeah I know we're all busy. We all have important things going on, and we got them going on all the time, but why? I'm still digressing and I do apologize. Well in this movie there was this great line "I am waiting, I just don't know what I'm waiting for". So I guess it would be easier for all of us to actually rush around and not know why, than to wait around and not know for what. Like I said it's just a line that puts things into perspective. Don't give me that look. I was just about to explain how it puts things into perspective. Next time you find yourself speeding to get to your destination, ask yourself, "Self, why am I rushing?" "If I get there too soon I'll just be waiting anyway" "Or if you get there late after you rushed, than you never feel 'right' anyway". So and Gandolf said in LOTR "I am not late or early, I get there when I'm supposed to be there."

so with that I remain a quotable man named




Hello, hi and howdy one and all. How have ya been? Me. well I'm doing ok for the most part. Work is going better, thanks to the fact of chicken run being let go. That was my nickname for the guy who ran and let many things happen that shouldn't have. So the thorn has been removed from my paw, and now I'm a happy lion again. Second things between WG and me have been going extremely well. No I take that back, things have been going quite phenomenal, so thats a yay me. We like yay me's. They do makes us happy, my preeeecious. Now onto recent thoughts and ramblings. I've come to the conclusion that we as a general populace ask some pretty silly questions and make some pretty silly statements. First of all, how come if you're running late, (and thats usually me) and you get called, the first thing one asks is where are you? Now I totally understand that question if you happen to be making that call on a cell phone, but if you call me at work... than ask me said question...what do you think my answer is going to be? Another little brain stumper is why do people insist on on stating the fact that their order is to go...when said person is using the drive thru? Oh and speaking of drive thru's why do some drive up ATM's have braille on them? Like I said just some questions I have. Oh yeah, I like the 10 pet peeve list, so being the copy cat whore that I am I will also make a 10 pet peeve list, not in any particular order just some quick peeves,
1. People who clink when stirring a drink.
2. People who do not use directional blinkers.
3. Those of you who do not refill the ice cube trays (ok I'm guilty of said peeve, but it's on my list anyway).
4. People who can't take a joke, even if it is at their expense.
5. People who's asses stick out of their pants (whether it's because you're ghetto fabulous or a plumber) disclaimer: this one is mainly directed at men. Sorry, I am a guy so yes, seeing the thong/g-string stick out of some girlies hip hugger's is kinda cool.
6. People who take the last soda/beer/peice of pizza (especially when you bought it).
7. People who change the radio/tv at the exact moment something good comes on, unless you are the navigator, than you do have a vote, but it must be a mutual decision.
8. BIG PET PEEVE, when a commercial about a feminine product comes on, during an action, shoot em up, sensless violence show.
9. A black fly in you chardonay, ok thats not one of mine, but I just had the urge to write it.
9. When very cool movies are butchered and destroyed when they are edited for television.
10. When the movie you rented is messed up. Ooooooh that doth make the hellfires burn strong and hot.
Ok thats a pet peeve list, just to name a few. Any of you faithful have a pet peeve list you wanna share? Well than share and share away. If you want you can either leave them in the comments area, or you can email me Of course you all do know that I will post them. Just making sure. Oh another quick question for you. Are sandals still sandals if you never walk on sand? Well sadly my lil chickadees, it's getting near that time to finish all those things they pay me to do and finish. Wow I must seem like the biggest slacker in the world. I work on my blog when I'm supposed to be making money, yet when I had full access of the inpornation super highway, I couldn't keep up with updates. Well it was either that or the damn cribbage, what word and literatti sessions. Or it might have been finding those really really cool super hero and Star Wars fan films they made. Or it might have been some of the porn sites I visited. Yeah stupid blocks on the lil network we have has kinda quashed that. But luckily for me... he he he he, when river block the pass, find new pass...

and with that I remain a purely Zenful master named




I was asked to share a top 10 list of my pet peeves. Well, when I thought about all the things I could put on this list I thought it would be easier to write a list of the top 10 things that make me happy. Trying to try to cut a very long list of pet peeves into just 10 items would have taken all night. Here is my list. There is no order, as these things all mean a lot to me.

1. The morning sun shining off the dew on a spider web.
2. The smell of playing in the fallen autumn leaves.
3. The color of blue the snow has just after a snowstorm.
4. Sitting on the shore of the lake fishing and not wanting a bite.
5. Laughing on the phone with my sister.
6. Walking barefoot through puddles after a summer rain.
7. Finding pictures in the clouds.
8. A campfire.
9. Children laughing.
10. The sight of my husband or the sound of his voice.



It's true, I can't seem to stop writing today. It's ok, it's a pretty good feeling wanting to keep on writing. Oh by the way WGS, umm WG and I haven't really argued or fighted, the contri to which you have commented, ironically some of those comments were directed to the ex's. But I can see how it could have been taken wrong so I do apologize for any miscommunication. I do tend to confuse alot of people in my writings, and even in the way that words seem to sometimes dribble, and other times just gush like the Colorado River. Other times its like a gentle haze and sometimes, especially if I have encountered a citizen of stupidtown or ingoranceville. Than It's Niagra F****n Falls of words that flow from me and nay a single one be a positive statement. But they are instructional, such as where things are and where they can be placed, giving subtle hints as to lineage well I'm getting off track and either way my replacements here and I'll see y'all later...

until than I remain a a little bit happier and little bit looser man named...



What a difference a week makes. It's been a great recharging of the batteries. I feel great. I spent an awesome week with WG. I went fishing, caught some salad and a few mosqito bites. I watched both NASCAR and the Packers. Went looking for work, spent a couple afternoons reading in a park and I slept. I know that sounds kinda weird, but I did. I slept in peace. That was nice. I also say some hawks, ospreys and I even sw an eagle. I played cribbage (sorry honey) so yeah I had a good week. I am work right now and guess what, for the first time in many months I actually like it here, again. I don't feel like the whole world is on my shoulders for once. I got some things taken care of so I'm no longer worried about a few things. Well of course that don't mean I'm done trying to save the world, but I do know that some things need to be worked out on their own. Well that's it for right now, but I will be writing more as the day passes. Well for at least a little while, ya see I gots an early night, and for the time being I got no I-net access at home. You know having to decide between the cable bill and the electric bill...well you can tell which I chose, than I realized, "oh crap, the cable is useless without electricity", so I changed my mind and paid off the electric bill. So on that note...

I remain out of the darkness and into the light, just not able to access my porn, oops I mean blog, hehehe I really do mean blog. hehehe, wow look at that ceiling, is that stucco? Great craftmanship, wow!

Above all I remain




Who knew that a year ago when I started my Rant and Opinion filled site "I hate it here" that it would turn into "Confessions of a cereal eater" and that would turn into something like this. An actual accounting of my cruel and funny world, where dreams and joys usually take a backseat to pain and suffering? Well things have changed. A whole lot of changes have taken place. Lately it seems that J & D are taking absolutely no crap from P & S. I'm dating a girl who doesn't need me in her life but wants me there anyway. I'm working at a job that most of the time is OK and sometimes its not. There was a major "thorn" in my "paw" but that thorn has been removed. Well in this jungle the lion sleeps again. In the near future, there will be some major changes taking place. Some will be expected, some will not. I know, now the big question is where the hell have I been? Well I was/am miserable. I know some of you know what I mean by that. I can say with absolute certainty, location can affect you views, thoughts, and yes they can even affect personality. They can affect your heart, soul and life. Until I take that back, I've always known that, but recently, I've had a chance to taste and touch a lil bit of heaven. No you godless heathens, I don't mean in the literal sense. I mean the simple fact of being able to laugh, because you feel happy. Being able to cry because a song just happens to hit the right emotional nerve, and not be told "You're embaraising me" or "Look he's gonna do it again". Just for the record and you both know who I am talking about. I truly hated you both for those little "harmless comments". Well where was I? Oh crap hold on while I try to recapture my train of thought. Oh yeah, sorry. It's amazing how a simple drive to nowhere with the right person feels just like a magic carpet ride. When you're in a crowded room, and for one of the few times you're not lonely or alone there. Where you don't have to pretend that you're something, because the people who look at you already see that you are a someone. So I guess, in the end, you all actually made me happier by just being yourselves and by making me be myself. Talk to you all really really soon...

I remain a man named...




Hello hi and salutaions you patient and faithful readers. I'm sorry for not writing sooner, but let's just I have come to one basic reality, money is truly the root of all evils. It's also the root for mean words, hurt feelings and cruelty. I know we all know that, but sadly it's a neccesary evil. Like telling your best friend "no I think your girlfriend is very nice" when in reality you can't stand her. Or telling someone "really I do like that song" when you'd rather hear fingernails scraping across a chalkboard. It's true, and for that simple reason, it also sucks. Ok, I got that off my chest. I feel better now. Thanks for listening. No onto bigger and better things. WG and I are getting along great. We're getting along fine. We're getting along. It's very cool being able to say that. By the way, where are the embareassing stories?? I'm waiting patiently. Now I'm thinking that WGS should have some doozies. I'm also thinking some of WG's friends would have shared some by now. I'm waiting. Oh yeah the countdown has begun, and I'll tell ya when it's over, and why it's a countdown. But sadly the time that ticks away slowly just had a burst of speed, to let me know that it just ran out the door and is moving to Tiajuana. I'm not working tonight, so believe me, I'm feeling rantful and after working 20 plus hours and some rum and diet set to release the hounds of hell. For they will have more mercy than my venomous finger tips and bile filled tounge. So be well my friendlies, and I shall entertain you in a little while. until than
I remain a bit spiteful and an angry man (for a little while) named
Jose aka J2



Hello hi and whaaaaaaadup, to all of you crazy kids who for some reason enjoy reading this crazy lil space on the i-net. I mean there have been 1001 hits. 1001 times this page has been opened. 1001 times someone has read what I have written. 1001 times someone has taken a peek into the messed up reality of this 32 year old screwed up kid's brain. 1001 times, daaamn thats a lot of hits. Its kind of unnerveving to know people actually read this. I thank you all very much from the bottom of my heart, when I first started this I was just ranting and raving most of the time. Now it's become a way of talking to you all and telling you all about my boring and uneventful life. Yet you still come to read about me, and how cool is that. Now some of you I do know, some of you I don't, but would like to. So just say hey, ok?
Well after all that gushing, it's time to gush a little more. I'm happy. Really really happy right now. This is actually the happiest I ever felt. I have that stupid perma grin almost all the time now. I am dating this awesome gal and people are reading my lil blog. Hell, all I need now is a million dollars and my life would be complete. Now here's a question for all of you, what would be the first thing you would buy if you had a million dollars? I would buy a movie theatre. Than I would build a house, with a movie theatre built in it. I'm talking the biggest HDtv, with a Yamaha reciever and some Bose speakers and stadium seating. MMMMM, wow I just got perky. LMAO.and with that...

I remain movie loving geek named

Jose aka J2



Hello again my little chickadees, how are you on this fine morning? I hope you all slept well. I'm back at the grind, so that means that my blog now gets updated woo hooo!! I noticed something, when I'm not writing, people aint visiting. Man does that put pressure on me or what? I've become the spokesperson for the voices in my head, and they are screaming for justice in an unjust world. What do I mean? Well only that a cheeseburger at McDonald's is 99 freakin cents while a double cheese burger is a buck! I was floored when I saw this. I was shocked. I was looking for a reason to deal on someone. Not in a bad way, but I had made on obsevation, and when I make said observation, I must comment as I am wont to do on occasion. For example why does bottled water have a list of ingridients? Why do lighters have a warning stating that "contents are flammable"? See what I mean. I've come to the conclusions that the powers that be think that we must all be stupid. Wow, so sorry, I guess I must have OD'd on Henry Rollins over the weekend. A 3 1/2 to 4 hour drive with Hank as a comapnion will do that.
A congratulations goes to Jeff Gordon on his impressive win at the Brickyard 400. I know right now I'm getting eye daggers shot at me. I know right now WG is just itching to call me and give me an earfull. Yes my faithful readers, I am a Jeff Gordon just because whenever I say that WG gets this "GRRRRRRR" face, and it just cracks me up. Dale Earnhardt jr. is her favorite driver and I think despise and loathe are the words she used to describe her feelins about the the #24 driver. LOL look at me, I'm learning about NASCAR. Well I figure if she is willing to watch an occasional anime, I am willing to learn about one of her passions. BTW does anybody know how I supposed to act at a Packers game? Never having gone to one I am at a loss, as to how I should conduct myself. I mean I no longer "rock out" at concerts. Being that age is creeping up on me and "head Banging" leaves tons and tons of sore muscles. Along with head aches and the occasional nose bleed, I have thus learned to groove. Not only that football crowds are a lot different than baseball and soccer crowds, both of which I have been a part of.
Oh and before I forget, w/22 will now be known as PCC, for that story you will have to ask 22 to tell that tale. Which reminds me, here are a few belated but soon to be immortalized on the I-net ...

happy birfday wishes for PW, 22, LL and

I know I know how come I used a name and not a nickname
because I didn't talk to her long enough to come up with a good name. Sorry. I shal commence with the self flogging. You know for some reason I really like that word, Flogging. Well anyways, now with the WG update, My 'rents totally dug her. Something about liking the fact that she's outgoing, hits me when I deserve it (yeah that one was from my mommy), and just acts like herself. So I hope you all have a good day, and I leave you with this one the hell did i get to this point when i was allready to tell you about the $0.99 cheesburger....hmmm some mysteries like the Paulding Light shall forever be unsolved.

And with that I am forever

Jose aka J2



Hello to my Care Bears and my Care Bear Cousins. It's been a wonderful day. I didn't do anything other than sleep, talk to WG and know that my life will be ending a lot sooner than expected. Thanks to a couple of mischevious girls, who were given some information and instead of using their power for good turned to the dark side. Remember Uncle Ben did tell Peter Parker with "great power comes great responsibility". LOL!!! Just so you two ladies know, you aren't the only ones WG has marked for termination. LOL!!! Oh, and believe me I can totally believe how red the skies were, remember I was there for the rain storm. Why do all of a sudden do I hear TAPS playing? I also hear someone saying "tho I walk in the valley of death" that a bad omen?? Hmmmm. So other than that, I'm doing pretty good. I actually have 5 1/2 days coming up in a day and a half, and thats going to be fun. Going to a party, seeing some "spooky lights" and my parents are gonna meet WG. I really can't write too much today, being that I'm doing laundry, watching Toy Story (the first one) and doing some paper work, add the fact that its almost 4 AM and I have to move my car in an hour, and I hope to have my laundry done by than. But it won't be. Damn double drying times. Well anyways, I was also informed that when we go to the spooky lights (we'll be going with 22 and w/22) that no foolin around in the back of the van will be tolerated. But just for the record, isn't that why vans we're created, because back seats just weren't comfortable enough? Isn't the word "van" synonomous with foolin' around, making out and fogging up the windows. Doesn't the saying go "if the van is a rockin, don't come a knockin" ? Lmao, I've seen the movies from the 70's and early 80's. If there was nudity or "action" was there not a van near by? LOL. LMAO. Well anyways my time is getting short, and they are paying me to do something while I'm here...

So for the few days I have left I remain

Jose aka J2


DROPPING TO MY KNEES TO BEG FOR FORGIVENESS (for some reason I seem to be on my knees alot)...

Hello my smurfs, smurfettes and smurflings. It seems I been neglecting my blog duties. I'm becoming lax in my duties as official chronicler of my life. A boring job it is but hey, someones gotta do it. Not only that but I hired myself because I work for cheap, and for the record just because I'm cheap, yes, it also means I'm easy. Wow, I went from everyday to only once a week. Sorry. But between getting used to my new working shifts, seeing my girl, and sorta sleeping, I haven't had much energy or inspiration to narrate my so-called life. But today with a NO FEAR energy drink in hand, and a desire to write I'm back! Did you miss me? Its ok to lie to me and say you did. :D Well to start where I left off, last Sunday I went up to spend some time with WG. I had the auspicious privalege of meeting yet two more members of WG's world. I met WG's Sister aka WGS and neice aka WGN. I'll be very honest, I didn't know what she thought of me. All I could think of of was the movie Jerry McGuire where Bonnie Hunt goes "Hi, I'm the disaproving older sister", now I know she's the younger sister, but I think you all get my drift on that one. Than I read WGS's comment "It was great to finally meet the man that makes my sis happy", that the fears of being disaproved went away (well that is until next time, than for some reason they keep coming back). So at this time I would like to apologize for not writing sooner and I hope you can forgive me please. That and welcome WGS and WGN to my little space here on the net. It was both an honor and a privelage to meet you both, and I hope we can get a chance to talk more in the near future, because I would really enjoy getting to know you better, and to hear some embareassing WG stories. Hehehehehehe. LMAO, well I guess this would be an awesome time mantion if any of my faithful readers have stoies of an embareassing WG stories share them. Hehehehehehe. SO what else has been going on you ask? Well WG and I are getting along splendidly. I've gotten hugs from WGG, and that was very cool. Especially considering that they weren't propmted. They made me get warm fuzzies and I still say it's ok to be Hoser. LOL. Oh and I scrapped the zombie story again. I guess I was trying to avoid the atypical zombie story, and one of my biggest complaints about most horror stories is the lack of explanantion. When they don't answer the who, what, where, when, why and how's. So I started asking myself those questions, and eventually I came up with the answer(s). Why tell only one story? If I can answer many of these questions in a prologue or as a brief narrative in the introduction, than I'd be free to tell my stories. In my opinion of this, one of the best examples of this is from Dracula 2000 although it is a dumb movie. In this movie it explains why vampires feat the cross, silver and daylight, at least in this version of vampire lore. Of course it takes the whole movie to do that, but you get my point, or at least I hope you do. So, I've decided to explain where the zombies started, how they started and why they act and do what they do. Once I do that I can tell any story I want, and it doesn't even have to be a zombie story (you got to love loopholes)...

and speaking of Jerry McGuire, one of my fave quotes from that movie..."Have you ever gotten the feeling that you aren't completely embarassed yet, but you glimpse tomorrow's embarrassment?"

so with that I'm still 6ft above ground, but the mind is still in the gutter and with that I remain

Jose aka J2



I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I've had some things to deal with and my poor little blog has gone malnourished, under used, neglected and even a few abandonment issues. Oh, and by the way. Just a random thought that for some reason looks nice right there, even though it doesn't make any sense. I have had one thrilling week plus folks and folkettes. I was going to call you my children but "MOM" is watching. Oh, and for those who worry when I don't post, I'm ok. I do this for therapy and fun. I do this because I'm a bit vain to believe that someone out there thinks I'm interesting enough to read about. It’s self-esteem, male ego, foolish pride and a hope for acceptance into this virtual realm. Well to recap this past week, I met maWG, paWG, and WGG last Friday and I think it went well. I was even called Hoser (a past nickname) by WGG, but sadly he was quickly reprimanded for that. I forget that it's actually a negative term and not just a silly nickname. We had dinner on Friday, lunch and cribbage on Saturday and I had a whole lot of fun. The only time it got weird was during the Q & A session (third degree??) With maWG and paWG. Good times were had. Than there were some personal issues along with the past catching up with me where I turned to my "Jiminy Cricket aka JC" to help me deal with them. In turn that helped create a stronger bond between JC and me, which in turn really strengthened the bond with WG and I. So yes I am officially a better, stronger and self-aware J2 than ever before. So anyways, I went to Mt. Horeb to pick up my RM and hung out there for an eve. You what’s really weird, when you meet chat people, how hard it is to use their real names. So we drank talked and pretty much did the same thing you do in a chat room, only without the typing. A really cool comment said to me, was I'm exactly the same in the real world as I am in a chat room. LOL, there is no separation of real world and virtual world for this psychopath. But as I type that, that kind of makes me sound like a mental patient, doesn't it? Well RM stayed up there and will be brought down on Sunday I think. Well once I got home I got a chance to "talk" with MOM. I think we are twins separated at birth. Or I'm her clone, because we went from actors to movies to star trek and comedians. Way too much in common there. I think MOM spent way too much time in front of a TV. LOL. Oh yeah according to the "are you a psychopath" test, I'm a psychopath. Yes that was a MOM test given to me. LMAO we even talked about Days of our Lives. I know "I'm a sad and strange little man". Well today I get to see WG, and spend some time with her. It won't be too much because she's got to work Monday A.M. (and before any of you panic I'll make sure she goes to bed at a decent time, considering I have to work at 4 P.M. on Monday afternoon, I'll be needing some sleepy time too. Considering I got to drive back here on Monday A.M. Now this isn't your typical A.M., were talking the birds are singing, the sun is shining and the "OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, IS IT THAT TIME ALREADY" statements when the alarm goes off). That and the fact that I woke up at 10 A.M. on Saturday, and I haven't slept yet. Now all of you who are thinking about yelling at me...can it wait till tomorrow. Please. OMG, it finally happened!!! It's true, it finally happened. We went an entire day without talking to each other. Yes Saturday July 24, 2004 we went an entire day without giving each other giggle attacks, perma-grins and red faces. I didn't hear the "shuuuuut uup", "what ever", "back off little man" and the "blah blah blah blah". WG, went without hearing me using her lines and purposely using them wrongly, improperly and not even worded correctly. She didn't hear me mocking her "catch phrases" (stand down little girl). Well my precious little gems, its time for me to get some work done, so just remember always tell the you love them, because some day it'll be x-mas and they'll remember. LOL....

and with that I remain,

Jose aka J2