The new easy to type home of all the crap I write.







Hello and good day to all who read this, feeling a little down now. Just got off the phone with WG, and I realize it will be a few days before I talk to her again. Wow, it's so weird knowing that I won't be talking to her. I mean we haven't missed a day in what almost a month? Yeah, I'm thinking this is going to be a long weekend. Thankfully I'll be working a lot so free time is out the window. On the plus side, I got beer and spiced rum for today. Yay me!!! On the negative side, I have to work Friday afternoon...yeah can't get to wasted. LOL!! Before I forget I want to welcome both PW and SB to the site. I guess WG's got the promotion machine going again. YAY her!!

Here's a weird little story for you. My friend Extreme Fighter aka XF has a thing for zombies. No NOT THAT KIND OF THING!!!!! Perv's!! So he asked me to write a zombie story. Well I actually started it and well, I went back and read it out loud, and it didn't sound right to me. It didn't click. It didn't gel. It sounded forced, so I dumped it. Than I started thinking about all of the different things that I've read, and what I find totally and completely astounding is writers who cross genres, and how they do that. Michael Crichton is the perfect example. He's written a books about topics such as cloning dinosaurs, nanotechnology, murder involving doctors, airplanes, rewrote Beowulf, sexual harassment, man eating gorilla's and he also created ER the TV show to name a few of his works. Now most authors’ kind of stay in their own genre, Stephen King writes horror, but his best work in my opinion, are his non-horror writings. The Body which became Stand By Me, The Green Mile which was also a movie by the same name and Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption, which I'm pretty sure you can figure out what movie that came from. I also really love the Gunslinger books. These are not horror stories in any way. They do have some suspense, but that comes from the wanting to know what is going to happen to the characters. Sorry, I know this is turning into more of a lecture, and I do apologize, but I'm getting to my point. I have never conceived of writing a horror story. I am planning on writing a book, and I do write poems. I even have plots for comic books. Of course I also write here, but the subject matter here is what goes on in my life, in head and in my heart and I kind of think that I know that better than anyone else. Well except for maybe god, Santa and the Government. Wow train of thought just took a shortcut north. You know until just now I didn't realize the story of Santa is kind of freaky. Let me explain; first you got an old dude who's married and only works one day a year. Second he surrounds himself with persons of a diminished height (no not you LL). Third he builds toys for boys and girls but isn't it strange that he never builds toys for adults? Fourth he watches you when you sleep?!?!?!?!? Fifth He watches when you’re awake?!?!?!?!?! 6th He knows if you've been bad?!?!?!?!?! 7th He knows when your good?!?!?!?!?! Now that’s scary. --Ok back to rant-- Now I do read horror, and I find that more scary than seeing horror movies, especially now when its mostly gore and slasher films. I mean does any new supposedly horror movie scare you the way the Omen or the Exorcist did? Some of you will remember Jack Nicholson going "Heeeres Joohny." So to my point, I don't know how know how to end this Zombie story for XF. That’s the big thing for me, I may not know how to start a story, but I always have an ending in my head. So I guess my question for all of you what would be a good way to end this story, you see the real dilemma is that I promised to write it. PROMISED!!! Can you believe that? I do my absolute damndest not to break any promise I make, and how could I promise to write something that I never even planned on doing. When I start putting my book together (I’ve been planning this for years so don't get too excited yet) I plan on using the excerpts I call Confessions etc etc. BTW I already have a title for it "the unbelievable extraordinary adventures of someone who could have, should have and still just might" kind of catchy huh? So yeah I need help. Give me an ending please, oh and to all you smart asses, I will not except "the end", "fin" or "fini".

Wow, that was sure one dull read, daaaaamn!! I went back and reread that and I almost put myself to sleep. Oh and for pet owners (sorry "put to sleep" made me think of aminals and vets, and that made me think of the word "fix") you do not "fix" critters, you actually break them. You see there was nothing wrong to "fix". Nothing was broken, until you had it "fix"ed, and now it is broken, sorry I had to say that.

Oh I have another question; boy I am sure asking a lot from all of you aren't I?? Sorry this will probably not be the last time just so you're pre-warned. If (or more appropriately when) I do write this story, should I put it here?? And if I do, will you promise to tell me that it sucks, if it does suck I mean.

Oh yeah I also got to say that the reason the last post was so short is because that kind of happens when the spiced rum and diet coke with lime, come over and say "DRINK US NOW!!!" I'm so weak willed LOL. So if it didn't make much sense that’s why. So on that note, oh wait a second….ahem “I aaaaammmmmm soooooooooooooo druuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunk” tee hee tee hee tee hee

And with that I remain

Jose aka J2

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