The new easy to type home of all the crap I write.







Current mood: sleepy

ok this is unlike my random thoughts entries. usually with my random thoughts i sit there before hand and just think about what is bugging me or makes me happy. this is me just sitting here, and literally just typing what i'm thinking about. so umm...let me know what you think.

“My mind is filled with wonder, my heart with fright. When will this feeling stop? When did it start? How can I listen to my mind without breaking my heart? I’m so confused, what should I do?...I can’t think straight, my heart controls my mind.”

I sit here after midnight, while gently tap tapping on my computer keyboard,
than I hear a loud scratching upon my chamber door,
I look over and see a kitty scratching and scratching upon the front of my chamber door,
softly and sternly I say "be gone kitty of hell, away from my chamber door!"
kitty looks at me. A quiet yawn, than starts scratch, scratching, gazes at me, than says

Sadly that little tale is real and I shared it with you.

I've been an emotional basket case the last couple of weeks. If I'm not laughing like a hyena, I'm crying like a little girl. This is of course said with the utmost respect for all little girls in the world. Sad movies, sad songs, happy movies and happy songs, I'm either one extreme or the other. I hate it when I'm so screwed up emotionally.

Season and I went to see Harry Potter on Friday. Gawd I hate teenagers. The nice thing is that they scare easy...especially when you are a fat, unshaven, long haired, pissed off Mexican. Well that and when they overhear you tell your wife "Kicking the shit out of a couple of kids with cell phones will put me back for a few years but it'll be easy time!" Than all of a sudden we realized that about 8-9 people shut off their phones. Oh yeah baby I gots me some MAD skillz. But harry Potter was very good. It was actually the best Potter movie so far, in my opinion. So go see it.

My father is dying. Or so my mother tells me. I don't quite know how to deal with this bit of news. When I was very little, my mom told me that my father left us. Well my wife tells me, that is not the same thing my mom told her. Season said my mom told her that she sent my father packing. I don't actually know who to believe, because knowing my mother, either one could be a lie. All I know is depending on where my father is, I guess I'll be seeing him at least one more time.

I absolutely love my wife. I find this truth unchanging no matter what happens. No matter what the fights or arguments about. No matter what words are said, or how much they hurt I need this woman, in every way possible. I worry about her when she hurts, I miss her when she's gone, I'm relieved to see her when I get home and the only place I ever truly want to be is in her arms. Who knew I would ever grow to need someone so thoroughly and completely?

This is a bit of information for all who rent movies. You should get the blockbuster total access thingy. You choose a bunch of movies online, 3 get sent to you, you mail them back, you get 3 more movies sent to you. OK, now here's where you can get the most for your money. Ready? It works like this. You do the online thing choose your movies, but don't choose any new releases. Watch the first set of movies you get, don't mail them back...instead go to blockbuster and return them at the store. You get a free movie rental for each of the movies you rented online. At this point choose the new releases. Once you do that, the computer system tells the online renting system that the movies are returned, and the new movies will be sent to you basically the very next mailing day. The membership is like 18 bucks. So after you do this figure it out. 3 movies, well figure they are dollar rentals, so there is 3 bucks. You return them to your local Blockbuster get 3 free new releases. At 4 bucks a pop that's a new total of 15 bucks. So by the time you get your second set of movies mailed to you rental fee wise, your ahead. OK that's my product placing moment of the month. Sorta.

OK why is it that every "fantasy" movie that's coming out is an imaginary story with heart breaking moment. Pan's Labyrinth and Bridge to Terabithia are both very beautiful, moving , but tragic movies. PL is almost painfully brutal and heart wrenching story about a girl whose imagination starts to cross over into reality. Where she confuses them both, with very catastrophic results. BtT is a tale of friendship, hope, belonging, sadness and transcending that sadness back to hope. It's about outsiders finding each other and in each other finding what is missing from themselves. Than the sadness comes into play. Like I said they are both wonderful and amazing stories. They just have some unbearable moments that just tears at your heart.

I have to ask all of you who read this...why do you? I'm not much more than a guy whose using this to practise typing and trying to form non-confusing sentences. I usually share more on here than I should, and don't tell you all I could. I was just wondering is all.

If any of you get a chance check out CoaceAudio. If there's any thing you want to hear let me know, through comments or emails.

Does anybody want a cat??? I have 1 I'm willing to part with. Season if you are reading this I am kidding. If you're not Season I'm not kidding. ;-)

Damn right back. I got to find a lighter, the one I was using just died.

I realized how much of a whiner one of my co-workers was this week. I work in a metal-fab shop. Well on Monday one of the guys I work with said something truly stupid, and kept digging himself into a deeper hole. He also complained that me and my partner talked to the boss too long (while he is guilty of doing this on an almost daily basis). He was actually whining that he didn't get any boss face time. So what kind of man would I be if I let it go? I'd be a great man if I did that. Sadly I'm just an OK guy so I jumped all over him. Then on Tuesday he did it again, although it was a different stupid statement, and still whining about lack of boss face time. This time another co-worker and I jumped all over him, using his own comments from previous times against him. He pouted the rest of his shift and didn't talk to any of us. Now come Wednesday, he didn't talk to anybody and pouted his way through his entire shift. I have come to the conclusion that he can dish it out but whiny lil bitch can't take the ribbing. So on Thursday, he finally got some boss face time and all was right in the world. I have concluded that he will be forever known as whiny lil bitch, and am keeping all conversations with him to just some civil pleasantries. I mean I wouldn't want to hurt his feelings...again.

Ok well I just spell checked and re-read all of this and now I want to sleep with my wife. Good night all.

Currently listening :

Greatest Hits (w/ Bonus DVD)

By Creed

Release date: 23 November, 2004

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