The new easy to type home of all the crap I write.







Current mood: awake

Hola my friends and cohorts, what I am about to share is annoying to me. By now those of you who read this know my name is one of the simplest Mexican names in the world. Jose. That's me. It's a pretty common name by now. Thanks to the likes Jose Canseco, Jose Cuervo, San Jose Sharks, Jose Feliciano, Jose Castillo and Jose's Blue Sombrero. Like I said it's not an uncommon name. So here's my question. How frikken hard is it to spell Jose? I mean c'mon already. It's not like my name has never ever been mentioned before. As one comedian said (acting like he was part of the border police) "Jose...were here, is time to get out, (looking at audience) because you all know that's there at least one f***er named Jose in there."

So we go to Rocky Rococo's order our pizza and bread sticks, pay the bill, AND then he asks what name. I say Jose (well because that's my name, and that's what most people call me-except family that is). He than proceeds to write out HoseA. Just like that. I kid you not. HoseA. Because apparently my name is Hose, with A as my last initial. I could have accepted Hosea, because that's a pretty common mistake, which I than usually correct them. But I saw HoseA, and I was dumbstruck. I actually had nothing to say about that. Well not at that precise moment at least.

After we order, we go to Blockbuster to get a couple of movies. Hot Fuzz which by the way is very very funny, and Harry Potter 1. Yes I've seen it. I've seen it many times, but because I said something 2 1/2 years ago, I am reading the whole series now. Well I finished the first book, and now I have to compare the movie with the book. I know. ANAL RETENTIVE. Sue me.

So after we get our movies, we go back to Rocky's and we go in to pick up our pizza. The girls at the counter ask if they can help us, and I said "We're here to pick up our order, it's for Jose, but it's written as HoseA." The girl looked at me funny, walked back, grabbed our pizza, looked at the name, and just shook her head. She came back with all our food, and gave me that "I'm so sorry" look. I than gave her my best "Yeah I know, it's pissing me off a lot, but since I'm here with my wife, she wouldn't appreciate me tearing into your co-worker for being an idiot, thus ruining any chance of nookie tonight, so I'll just kind of smile and shake my head" look. Well as I was cleaning I was thinking about it, so I'd thought I'd blog it.

OK, so now that the whole immigration thing isn't on the news all the time, it seems that the blogging communities have also moved on to darker pastures, looking for more groups of people to criticize, admonish and persecute. And again I find myself thinking how stupid they are. One blog I read stated "that all fat people should lose weight so America wouldn't be called the fattest nation." I find this very tiring. According to the BMI (Body Mass Index) I'm extremely obese. Now to get to my "safe" weight I would have to weigh what I did when I was middle school. You know back when I wasn't done growing yet. Now sadly I just want to lose 30 lbs. That's a lot but it puts me at what is a comfortable weight for someone of my build, but according to the BMI, I'd still be obese. The last time I went to see my doc, he told me I had to lose weight. SO I said "OK, how much, because if I am going by the BMI (I told him what my weight should be) that would be pretty unhealthy for wouldn't it?" He looked at me with complete shock on his face. I also proceeded to tell him "By the way didn't you just tell me, that blood sugar is very good, my cholesterol is very good, my pulse rate was good, and my blood pressure was great for a guy who didn't exercise?" He said "Well I guess I did, but do you think you should lose some weight?" I said sure, and I told him what I wanted to lose, and that according to the BMI I would still be obese, so I asked him again how much weight I should lose? He than said that would be a good amount, and to quit smoking. And to think I paid for that bit of advise.

Sorry got a bit off in this blog this kid stated that all fat people were ugly and a terrible burden on the insurance and health plans. But of course he's doing this with nothing but spelling and grammar errors. I mean it took me 3 reads to finally piece together what he was saying. Now most of you have read my blogs and know for a fact that my spelling is atrocious at best, and that my grammar could be a lot better, but like I said in a previous blog, I usually don't care about it too much unless it's something truly important.

Well I was thinking, "Man, you MAY have some valid points, but you're blog is making you say sound like an absolute moron, you and all your friends are saying it's because you're typing to fast...idiots." So I have come to this conclusion. I don't care what anybody looks like. I never have. It's how you present yourself. If you're a slob it doesn't matter how much you weigh, you're still a friiken slob. If you're educated, it doesn't matter what you look like, because you're probably smarter than me. Than I started thinking, "OK, so what you are saying, is that it's OK to be perceived as an uneducated person, as long as your thin? I'm sorry I'd rather live in a country where we are all "fat" and educated, than live in a country where were all stupid and very hungry for a sammich...frikken idiot."

So yes, I'm a "fluffy" individual, and I like to think that I have some intelligence. I will always be a "fluffy" person because well to quote Jack Black (from School of Rock after he is asked why he doesn't go on a diet) "Because I like to eat!" That and I'm kind of lazy.

By the way let me know what you all think. Am I wrong? Do you agree? Or do you just not give a damn?

Currently listening :
The Eminem Show
By Eminem
Release date: 26 May, 2002

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