A really great song for the holidays, both powerful and beautiful.
and Jose's christmas wishlist for this day is
The Complete Buck Rogers DVD set. This was the series that pretty much made me give up karate lessons. That's right boys and girls...I would rather watch Wilma Deering (Erin Grey) and Princess Ardala (Pamela Hensley) than learn martial arts...yuppers I sure had my priorities set.

and staying with Buck Rogers, I also had this this as a kid...and WANT IT BACK...

THUNDER...THUNDER...THUNDERCATS HOOOOOO!!! Thas right baby, if I could have these 4 figures from that series my life would be awesome...well I mean more awesome...heh heh I LOVE YOU SEASON

p.s. Cheetara was hot!!
and finally...the poster. Any red blooded american male (and some females) will agree that at the time this poster was damn near paradise. It was the closest you could be to the "elusive enigma" known as girl. So I present the Farah Fawcet poster

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