OK I am usually one to complain...a lot. Plus I also happen to be pretty good at coming up with excuses...a lot. Well, my tried and true friends, and some who just think I'm an asshole, the "Library" which also houses the pornloader, happens to be the hottest room in the house. So I have been doing my damndest to not be in what I have recently started calling "Seasons easy bake oven." I have done the email checking, and that's about it. I have stayed out of this room because it is to damn hot. So I don't know when the weather will cooperate with meo I can be back on here in a more timely basis.
You know what else sucks? When you're sitting here typing and a river of sweat starts rolling down your spine, finds that one part that seems to not ever want to touch your skin, and the river of sweat sees this breach in your defenses, than proceeds to go right down your butt crack.
Kay, I'm done...going to the cool living room.
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