So you can all share you
stories with us tomorrow on
Christmas has come and gone, and I find myself thinking that this has been the best Christmas I have ever had. I actually recived all the things I truly wanted for Christmas. I had a great day with my wife, that I didn't have to share with anybody. I had a "family drama free day," by phone, because...well...that's what kept it drama free. Which for the record is very few and far between.
You see I love my mom (Queen Mother of the Dramatic) for one simple reason. She brought me into this world. That's it. No other reason. But for the last year, I've seen her turn into the ugliest person I have ever known.
I was talking to a friend the other day, and I said "You know what, Mom has turned into that person who will do and say whatever it takes to get you to do whatever she wants, and if you don't do that, she makes it seem like it's all your fault."
The worst part is, that my friend said "Oh my god, I am so glad you said that because I've seen it too. Then she lay's this guilt trip on you and then she gives you the silent treatment."
I said, "Oh man, so it's not just me? Thank God. I thought I was turning into that son who just grows apart from his mom."
He said "Nope, she's like that to everyone now."
Now this woman has become the exact type of person that I despise.
What makes matters worse is now she wants Season and I to spend New Years Eve with her.
I hate being in this position, because honestly, I'd rather be drawn and quartered than to have to endure a situation like that.
I hate the "woe is me" holiday cheer (umm...use a lot of sarcasm on the "cheer" part) because I've been there so many times. Both for her and my own ocean of self pity. I hated myself for swimming that particular body of water, and I hate the fact that I'll have to swim in someone else's pity pool.
I guess I'll just deal with this the same way I have been dealing with her for the last year. To quote Garth Brooks
"I'm gonna smile my best smile
And I'm gonna laugh like it's going out of style
Look into her eyes and pray that she don't see"
That I'm hating this moment.
On Christmas eve Season and I were talking about movies from the 80's, because of the VH1's I Love the 80's series. They happened to focus on Short Circuit and Steve Guttenberg. Talk about a guy who was everywhere during the 80's. According to IMDB he was in 22 different projects from 1980-1989. Pretty good considering he started his career in 1977 and is still going on today. As of this post he's doing/done 57 projects...so let's break this down
7 projects in the 70's
22 projects in the 80's
12 projects in the 90's
14 as of right now on the era of the zeroes
So why am I talking about this guy? Because he was such a great 80's staple. Between being the lovable screw-off in the Police Academy movies, the likable artist in 3 Men and a Baby, and the sensitive leading man in Cocoon. In truth he played the same character over and over, but thankfully the movies got better, even if his acting didn't.
Amen Brutha
Now we hit the audio portion of my want list...so we'll start with one of the coolest bands of all time...THE POLICE
The band that got me introduced me to Glenn Danzig...THE MISFITS
This is an afternoon of pure wasted fun...hee hee...that's almost heaven
I actually NEED this to complete the Tenchi Collection
This is absolutely perfect for someone who is a piss poor typist (me) who normally get's ideas when nowhere near a computer (me again) and for some reason isn't able to type up the things he's done in longhand (me...I guess that's a trifecta huh?)